The N Gauge Society
A Celebration of N Gauge Modeling
at the
National Railway Museum, York
Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May 2023.

This is our first 'CIRCUS' abroad and we are very grateful to the N Gauge Association.
The essence of the MINI DIORAMA CIRCUS is not only to create, but also to connect with others by bringing your own creations to the event.
In Japan, the completed diorama is brought to the nearest model shop in a special case, which is then sent from the shop to KATO, who transports it to the event venue. Thanks to the cooperation of the model shops, this has become a major event, but in the UK it has only just begun.
We will continue to explore ways to make it easier for more people to participate.

We are connecting your dioramas one by one. Combine curves and straights to create a circular shape.

I pieced together the work of the N Gauge Association.

TheCIRCUS is small but lively, with participation from Hokkaido.

A QR code has been placed in front of the works that have been registered on the app. By scanning the QR code with your smartphone, you can view the introduction of the works submitted to the app.

In Japanese circuses, the creator attaches a special cover to the work and brings it to a nearby model shop. The model shop then sends them to KATO, which transports them to the event venue. So there are various restrictions, but in the UK, the creators transport the models themselves, so they can enjoy the freedom of design.

Model Rail Scotland2024
Friday 23rd Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February 2024
Scottish Event Campus Glasgow
Warners Exhibitions
November 23-24, 2024
SAT: 9.30am - 5.00pm, SUN: 9.30am - 4.30pm
National Exhibition Centre, Pendigo Way, Birmingham, West Midlands B40 1NT