The mini diorama circus is coming again in 2023!
He has already started making this year's works.
I can also hear happy voices.
The number of works that we participate in increases year by year,
Colorful when connected at the venue
Truly a circus!!
We look forward to seeing your exciting works💖
Five. Mini diorama circus standard
All works exhibited at Mini Diorama Circus must be produced in accordance with these standards.
*KATO's "Diorama-kun", "Mini Diorama Base Curved Track R183", "Mini Diorama Base Straight Track S124", and "Mini Diorama Plus" comply with the following Mini Diorama Circus standards.

All tracks use KATO Unitrack tracks. *Please do not use anything else.
The work must be completely enclosed in a clear transport case. (If it does not fit, we will not be able to transport it to the venue)
Clear case for transportation internal dimensions: depth 78mm x width 162mm x height 90mm
*The top surface of the clear case is narrow with internal dimensions: depth 73mm x width 157mm.
Base size (If you are making your own base, please refer to the following)
The base is placed inside a clear case for transportation, and the bottom 5mm of the base is
Please create a structure that allows the clear case to be placed as shown in the diagram on the right.
base creation
straight line curve

*A straight line can be inserted right sideways up to the straight line S124 (be sure to include the unijoiner part), but it will not fit in the clear transportation case unless it is inserted diagonally up to 155mm beyond that point.
*The location of the track can be anywhere as long as the above requirements are met.
*Please use R183-45° for curved lines. (Be sure to include a unijoiner) Do not use any other tracks.
*The location of the track can be anywhere as long as the above requirements are met. -
Please use unijoiners for the track connections so that you can connect the mini dioramas together.
Keep the tracks level. (Do not add up or down slopes)
Ensure that the rail is strong enough to withstand connecting and disconnecting from adjacent mini dioramas.Sai.
*We recommend making the base from plywood or MDF and securing the rails with screws or nails. -
If you want to use illumination, please use LED. The power source is a 9V battery, and the connector battery must be included with the work. It cannot be shipped while connected. Also, power supply from railway lines is prohibited.
6. Notes on making mini dioramas
Please make sure that your work fits in a clear transport case.
Works that do not fit into the clear transportation case will not be transported to the railway model contest venue. -
The mini dioramas created by everyone will be connected at the railway model contest venue, and N scale vehicles will run on the tracks.
Please be careful not to create a design that will interfere with the operation of N scale vehicles. -
N scale vehicles have two rails energized and run on that electricity.
Make sure that diorama materials do not adhere to the tracks. This may cause poor running. -
Make sure that the structures on the side of the tracks do not collide with the vehicle.
Please check the "construction limits*" using the unijoiner remover (clearance mark).
*“Building limit” refers to the space = clearance required for a model railway vehicle to run. -
When placing treads, etc. between the rails at a railroad crossing, etc., make sure that the wheels can pass through.