DIORAMA-KUN is an introductory set that includes a picture book and a mini diorama kit.
Everything you need to make a diorama is included, so with just this, you can start creating right away!


You can enjoy creating them.
Tools such as paint brushes and cutters are very useful to have when working on dioramas. Please use what is close at hand.
Learning as you read.
サイエンスライターの作家さんが書いたジオラマづくりのなぜ? をたのしく学べる絵本が入っています。
The picture book is written by a science writer. Even children can enjoy learning while reading the stories.
✳︎My apologies.The picture book is written in Japanese.
Can be decorated beautifully.
The picture book is written by a science writer. Even children can enjoy learning while reading the stories.
Connect and spread out.
ジオラマキットの線路はKATOのユニトラック 線路とつながります。おともだちがつくったジオラマキットとつなげて長い列車をはしらせてみましょう。
The use of UNITRACK allows easy connection to other dioramas and enjoyment at gatherings of friends.
この「ジオラマくん」のキットと本は、まだ模型をつくったことのないお子 さんたちに、模型づくりの楽しさ、深さ、そして喜びを、つくって、読んで、 感じてもらえたらという思いで、形にしたものです。
模型づくりを通して、お子さんたちは一生にわたり役立つ知識、考え方、 技術、感性を身につけていくことができる。私たちは、そう信じています。
2020年8月 株式会社カトー代表取締役
加藤 浩
The joy of creating for all.
The Diorama-kun kit and book were created in the hope that children who have not yet built models will be able to build, read and experience the fun, depth and joy of model-making.
Through model-making, children can acquire knowledge, ideas, skills and sensitivity that will be useful throughout their lives. We believe so.
We hope that everyone will have a story of growth like the diorama-kun in this book.
Aug 2020 Representative Director,
Kato Corporation
Hiroshi Kato
Recommended for‥
・For those who would like to experience making dioramas at home with their children.
・For those who want to make a photogenic diorama.
・For beginners who want to make a diorama. Diorama-kun is a kit with everything you need.
・For those who get excited just by looking at the small parts packed in the kit.
・For those who want a small diorama that can be placed gently on a windowsill.
・For those who want to create a diorama that can be expanded with ideas.